Contest Rules

The Central Coast Writers Contest
Contest Rules

Call For Entries:  Entries accepted beginning April 15, 2016.

Theme: The theme of the 2016 Central Coast Writers Contest is THE FINAL WORD.  All entries must depict this theme, originally interpreted.

Short Fiction:                    1,000 to 1,200 words
Poetry:                             Up to 40 lines
Flash Fiction:                     Up to 500 words
And brand new this year:
Screenwriting:                   Up to 20 pages

Short Fiction and Flash Fiction must comprise a complete story within the word limits.  Hyphenated words count as two words.

Screenwriting must be an original screenplay, no adaptations, comprise an entire short movie and be formatted per industry standard.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

Short Fiction, Screenwriting and Poetry: 
First Place               $1,000 
Second Place           $500 
Third Place              $100 

Flash Fiction:
First Place               $500 
Second Place           $100 
Third Place              $50 

Finalists:  All top finalists will receive Finalist Certificates.

Submission, Fees and Payments:
Applicants may enter more than one category, and submit more than one entry in any category.  An entry fee must be paid for each entry.  Please note once an entry has been submitted we are unable to accept revisions to that piece or issue refunds.  If you want to revise and resubmit your entry you may do so as a separate entry with payment of the new entry fee.  Please rename the resubmission.  Entries will not be returned.  Payment of contest entry fees confirms you have read, understand and agree to the terms of all contest rules.  You will be asked to acknowledge this prior to your final submission.

Entry Fees:
Short Fiction            $20.00
Poetry                     $20.00
Screenwriting          $20.00
Flash Fiction            $15.00

Payment:  Payments are accepted online via Submittable at on the Submit Here link or page tab.

Entry Eligibility:  Entries must be the original unpublished works of the authors and not previously accepted for publication.  Entries that have previously won a contest prize are not eligible.  Non-published pieces written on-line that are not for sale, e.g. a blog site, are eligible. 

Deadline:  The contest deadline is July 15, 2016.  All entries must be received by midnight on this date to be eligible.  All entries must be paid in full by this date to be eligible.

Judging:  Contest Judges will score each entry.  Judging will be blind – the contestant’s name will not be included with the entry.  A standardized quantitative scoring sheet will be used by each judge.  The decisions of the judges are final.

Please reference the Contest Website for more information on all judging criteria, and to see the judges’ profiles.

Formatting Instructions
·       All entries must follow this formatting.  Submissions that do not comply with these instructions will not qualify for entry.
·       All entries must be submitted electronically via Submittable
·       No identifying information is to be placed on the entry, or uploaded with the entry
Use 12-point size Courier, Times New Roman or Ariel type font only
·       For Poetry and Short and Flash Fiction Use Word .doc or .docx only.  For Screenwriting, PDF files only are accepted.  Screenwriting software files must be converted to PDF prior to uploading your entry.
·       Short Fiction and Flash Fiction must be double-spaced with a minimum of 1” margins all around, and include page numbers.
·       Poems may be creatively spaced and formatted; include page numbers if needed
·       Screenwriting must be formatted per industry standards
·       At the top of each page of each entry type ONLY the title, entry category and word/line/page count

Contestant Eligibility:  Writers from any locale are welcome to submit entries.   Advisory Committee and Board members of the Central Coast Writers Contest (CC Writers Contest), Central Coast Writers Conference (CCWC) and Cuesta Community Programs are not eligible.  Contest Judges and Sponsor members are not eligible.  Void where prohibited or restricted by law.  All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.  International submissions are accepted.

Notification:  The top ten finalists and winning entrants will be notified by September, 2016.

Announcements:  Winners will be announced at the Central Coast Writers Conference at Cuesta College September 29 – October 1, 2016.  Winners will receive their award at the Conference Awards Ceremony.

Publication: All rights belong to the authors.  Winning contestants will be announced on the CC Writers Contest and CCWC websites and other media, and published in Tolosa Press.  Contestants may have the opportunity to have their winning entry posted on line as well.

If contest is not fiscally viable, CCWC reserves the right to refund entry fees and forgo the cash payment element of the contest.